
Showing posts from November, 2021


Caring is one of the ten attributes of the learner profile. It is defined by the IB as: "We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us." Relationships are at the heart of learning and teaching, welcoming and engaging learning environments and the well-being of the learner. Caring is a key component of how we connect to and treat others, so this attribute is embedded in all of our interactions in Kindergarten (and other grades!) Literature is key to promoting a caring community of learners. This is one of the bookshelves in Kindergarten. So many of the texts that connect to our increased awareness of diversity, inclusion, equity and justice have caring as an important theme for us to explore as a class. Text features such as plot, characters and illustrations provide opportunities for us to unpack related concepts such as kindness and respect.  This text was


Communicators is another attribute of the learner profile. The IB defines communicators by: We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.  An obvious connection for Early Years is the '100 Languages of Children', an expression used by Loris Malaguzzi, founder of the Reggio approach. It captures his image of the child and the capacity to express themselves in infinite ways.  Communicators, like many of the learner profile attributes, link to so many other aspects of the PYP including communication skills (as part of the AtLs), symbolic exploration and expression, voice (as part of agency) and sharing wonderings, theories and discoveries (as part of inquiry).  It has been interesting for me to reflect on examples of Kindergarten being communicators in the past few days, and as a result of some of the routines established since the star


Knowledgeable is another attribute of the learner profile. The IB describes knowledgeable as: We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.  What strikes me is the connection between knowledge and understanding . Although they are different - knowledge being more binary and understanding being more associated with different levels of making sense of abstract concepts - knowledge provides the building blocks for understanding. Although the PYP is a transdisciplinary programme, the description above recognises the importance of knowledge in different disciplines. In Kindergarten, although many of the ideas we explore have global significance (play, structures, relationships...) we often explore these through very personal and local contexts so young children feel connected to these ideas.  We have a written curriculum that is driven by conceptual understanding - bot

Working Theories

This blog post on working theories has 3 purposes: 1. To acknowledge a wonderful PD opportunity and encourage others to attend the next time it is offered 2. To recognise the importance of working theories in the most recent IB publication for early years 3. To reflect on my own understanding of working theories and consider next steps in my own learning journey.  Young Children as Thinkers and Theory Builders This webinar was developed by the always-inspiring team of Tania Lattanzio and Anne van Dam. This workshop over two consecutive Sundays is so well structured and honours its title with carefully sequenced engagements that balance modelled examples, discussion, independent learning and collaborative group thinking. There is a quality to Tania's and Anne's work that is in its own league. They are experienced educators themselves and weave magical moments of learning from their own practice with purposeful curated quotes and extracts from theory. There is an honesty to the w


Risk-takers are another attribute of the learner profile.  The IB describes risk-takers as: We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.   It can be very useful to look at how organisations define terms as related concepts are often embedded and connected. In this definition, big ideas such as uncertainty, determination, independence, cooperation, innovation, resilience and challenge are all integral to risk-taking. Risk-taking is so important to Anji Play in China, it is actually one of their principles. The concept of risk-taking itself is subject to different interpretations and perspectives, and some prefer terms such as 'courageous'. Various educators label types of play differently and many link explicitly to risk-taking such as physical play, risky play, adventurous play and rough play. In Curt