This is a post I knew I needed to write from the time I set out on a quest to document my first year teaching Kindergarten! Of all my posts, this is the most symbolic of me as an inquirer - genuinely questioning, wondering, doubting, crafting and refining my own theories, experimenting and wrestling with ideas that sometimes appear to be in opposition! In a recent webinar for Toddle, Kath Murdoch stated, "Personal inquiry is as much about inquiring inwardly as it is about inquiring into the world around us." Developing these weekly blog posts, I have been able to reflect on, question and sharpen my own beliefs about learning and teaching. These include playful learning , curiosity , responding to children's working theories , conceptual learning and play , and, of course, supporting children to develop as readers and writers . This post is the outcome of this process of inquiry and a reflective practitioner in action! It is where I am in my thinking as of March, 2022, b...